Hola, this is Lola. Thank you all for visiting my blog page. I have exciting news I want to share. I just started a Shopify store that is still in progress but I desperately need your feedback. Please visit me at lolabookstore.myshopify.com. I appreciate your feedback on how I can improve.
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Hola, this is Lola. As I was walking to the Library a car stopped and asked me did I need a ride but I said no thanks. It made me realize that cars, transportation and of course technology as made people feel like they have been left behind. Our ancestors knew that things worth having can't be rushed, whether that's a chiseled physique, a simmering pot of stew, nurturing relationships or even pursuing our passions. Our mass produced society is not just harming our planet but people are feeling like they are being worked to the bone. So many talented, intelligent and hardworking people are not realizing their true potential because they are forced to use their talents for items that will be temporarily enjoyed then discarded for more useless items. Going without a car for several years now has been a blessing in disguise. I am forced to slow down and appreciate the tiny things. My relationships have deepened because I realize that you know your true friends when you don't have much. I am also more in touch with my body, because walking everywhere has made me realize how much I need my body for basic survival.
Example product
Example product
This is an example product. Include details on the product specifics, key values, and benefits. Explain what makes the product unique and how it delivers value to customers.
New Year, New Adventures
Global adventures here I come. To me traveling is a spiritual adventure. It's too easy to get caught in comfort loops where even days seem to fade into each other. Travel is one way to get out of a rut. And yeah, you know you are in a rut when you don't even know you are in a rut. You can't exactly explain it but you feel restless, easily bored, you forget how you got here or there in the first place.
Welcome to excitement. To experience. To whatever

Welcome back. Today is Wednesday, January 8, 2025. My loved ones have been talking about receiving snow for some time and it might come in the next few days. Being stuck inside can be rough for most people, but especially for adventurous types. But we have to remind ourselves that even the animals need time off to hibernate. We have gotten so used to pushing ourselves past healthy limits that our bodies have no choice but to fight back.
I am also starting a zero waste lifestyle. I thought it would be too exspensive and time consuming but if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen. I bought Seventh Generation dish detergent and measure out around a tablespoon every time I wash my dishes. And surprise surprise that is plenty to wash all of my dishes. Other dish detergents take much more than that just to wash a few dishes. I am also starting to compost a little. I don't have a garden yet but I will ask my neighbors who already have a garden could they use the compost. But I can also just put it outside and dig a hole because it is just mostly plain dirt outside my door. It might encourage new grass to grow. I don't know. I have been making my own homemade shampoos and conditioners for years and they work better than even the hair care products found at my local health food store. I have a degree in Environmental Science and I felt a sense of purpose even when I was only studying the subject in college. I decided to rededicate my life to something that I am passionate about and gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. Bye for now

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